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Trash Your Home – In a Good Way!

in DIY/Home
vintage lamp in an alley

One gal’s trash is another gal’s favorite end table. Nine furniture items in my apartment are from the curb or the alley. These include items I found as a teenager and things I’ve acquired since. They include items I’ve spruced up and items that are as-is. This post is in defense of trash. I say “in defense of” because I definitely still meet those of little faith. One of my favorite finds was the retro three shade multi-directional floor lamp that you see in the header. My ex was with me when I swooped on it, and pleaded with me…

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Two Items to Class Up a Dumpy Apartment Bathtub

in DIY/Home

I love my high ceilinged studio, I do. But there are always some caveats to rentalhood. A rather common one is getting stuck with a bathroom setup that you don’t have much wiggle room to redo under your average rental agreement. Earlier in the year, I repainted mine after being blessed by my apartment masters with a shiny resealed sink. I naively thought “This bright white paint and adobe accent wall are going to make my tiny bathroom look like another dimension!” And then… Huh. Still pretty painfully blah. After investigating the option of taking off the very hateable shower…

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Reminder: A Lot of Chokers are Just Ribbons with Good PR

in DIY/Fashion

Chokers have been baa-aaack for awhile now. (Where’d they go anyway?! They’re the best!) And now they’ve trickled down into all the fastest of fast fashion stores. Yet, I frequently see plain ribbon or string chokers priced at around… $15-20! Wait, what? (Or if you wanna get real crazy, Bartoli sells ribbon chokers for $115 if that’s your jam.) Get thee to a place that sells ribbons and you can have a few foxy, unique chokers for pocket change! Let’s start with the lariat style choker which was one of the first ribbons I saw priced up. These are the…

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